Four year old Judi Jefferies asked Santa for a baby sister. Her parents, Red and Millie, didn’t want to disappoint her and Janet (Jan) was born December 26, 1939, only late by one day! The family lived in Richmond until she was 8 and then moved to a brand new house on Alter Court in Mt. Clemens so her Dad would be closer to his gas station, Benner-Jefferies, on the corner of North Avenue and Scott. Jan attended Wilson School, Macomb School (entirely all 6th grade back then) and 7th – 12th was spent at Mt. Clemens High School. Monthly, she still gathers for lunch and fun at the Rec Bowl with her high school friends. She says she loves living where she grew up! In the 9th grade Jan met the love of her life, Tony Hudock, they were married one year after graduation, had 58 awesome years before Tony passed away. Their children are Jeff, Julie, Jackie and Jonathan who produced 14 grandchildren and they have provided 19 great grandchildren to bring Jan great joy in her senior years.
Jan is the 2nd longest member of the First United Methodist Church and has deep love for her church family, having served faithfully in many capacities throughout the years. When asked to join the Daughters of Macomb she immediately knew it was something she would enjoy, especially because her Dad loved being in the Old Crowd. In a recent first visit with a referral doctor, as he was reading information from other doctors he said “do you want to know what your other doctors say about you?” She replied “only if it’s good.” He said they all mentioned “patient has a very active social life!” That has been a fact since early childhood which she is happy to say is still quite accurate for an 83 year old widow lady. Her large family gathers for the birthdays of all the young ones and Jan loves attending their many school performances. She is active in the Chesterfield Senior Center and plays tournament Euchre and nickel/dime Poker several times weekly, Monday nights it’s at the RecBowl!
Quoting Jan, “I have been blessed with an ordinary but remarkable life, I love the Lord and know where I’m going when I leave here, I had the best parents and sister, Tony and I were madly in love, my children and grandchildren are all contributors to humankind, I have many awesome friends, I traveled, I love music, I love to read, I love to laugh, I don’t have dementia, and at these end years of my life I can truly say I have no regrets. Thank you for the honor of being the Grand DOM in 2023!”
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